St Clement Danes Parish:
Parish Apprenticeship Indentures and Registers

15th June 1688 - 2nd October 1694

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDPA364000020

Image 20 of 1481st August 1688

This Indenture Wittnesseth That John Francis< no role > & Lancelott Coppleston< no role > Churchwardens Hugh Mills< no role >
Francis Morlye< no role > Edward Grisdell< no role > & William Lawrence< no role > Overseeres of the poore of the Parish of
St Clement Danes in ye County of Middx wth thassent of John Phellipps< no role > & Peter Lugg< no role > Esqrs . Justices
of the peace for ye County of Middx & Citty & Libty of Westmr . According to a Statute in yt
case made and provided Have put Rebecca Knite Daughter of John Knite late of the Pish
of St Clement Danes Apprentice to Anthony Knite< no role > of the Parish of Marybon. in ye
County of Middx Cow keeper And with him after the manner of an Apprentice to dwell
and serve from the day of the date hereof unto the full end & terme of seaven yeares
from thence next ensueing and fully to be compleate & ended Dureing all which said
terme wee the Churchwardens & Overseeres of the poore with the assent aforesaid
Doe Order and appoint That the said Rebecca< no role > Knite well & faithfully shall serve
his secretts keepe his Commandments (lawfull & honest) every where shall gladly Doe
hurt to her said Mar. she shall not doe or consent to be done of others but shall
prevent it if she may or else from time to time admonish him thereof the goods of her
said Mar. she shall not wast nor them to any body lend without his consent, neither
from his service by day or night shall not absent himselfe but in all things as a good and
faithfull servant ought to doe shall be have her selfe towards her said master &
all his dureing the said terme of seaven yeares Taverns or Alehouses she shall not
frequent except it be about her Mars. bussinesse there to be done, at Cards Dice or any
other unlawfull games she shall not play whereby her Mar. may receive any prjudice
Fornication dureing the said terme she shall not committ Matrymony dureing the said
terme she shall not contract And the said Anthony Knite< no role > shall cause to be taught
and instructed his said Apprentice in house wifery And the said Anthony Knite shall
give and find to his said Apprentice sufficient meate Drinke Washing Lodging Apparrell
Linnen & all other necessarys meete and convenient for such an Apprentice dureing
the said terme And for the true Pformance of all the said Articles in forme aforesaid to
be kept the said pties find themselves each to other by these prsents In Wittnesse
whereof the said pties to these prsent Indres interchangeably have sett theire hands & seales
this first day of August in the fourth yeare of the raigue of or Soveraigne Lord James
the second Over England Scotland France & Ireland King de sender of ye fails Etc
Annoqr Dni 1688 .

Sealed and delivered
in the prsence of
Robert Smith< no role > .
Robert Smith< no role > Vestry Clerk

Anthony Knight< no role >

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