St Clement Danes Parish:
Parish Apprenticeship Indentures and Registers

15th June 1688 - 2nd October 1694

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDPA364000025

Image 25 of 14810th September 1688

Noverint universi P Presentes nos Elizabeth Musen de
Pochia scti Dunstans in Occidented Sempstresse et Henage
Burton de Pochia scti Egey in Camp is Baker teneri et firmit
obligari Johanni Francis et Lancelott Copleston< no role > nunc Ecclie
Guardianis pochia scti Clement Dacor in Quadragint
libris bone et leglis moneta Anglia solvend eisdem
Johanni Francis< no role > et Lancelott Copleston< no role > and eor alter
Executoribus vel Succossoribus suis Adquamquidem
Soluconem bene et fidelit faciend Obligamus nos et
utrumque urum P se P toto et in solid hered
et Administrators Per uros firmit P presented sigillis wris
sigillat dat decimo die Sepolembris Anno RRs Jacobi
scdi nunc Anglia Etc quarto Annoqr Dui 1688

The Condicon of this Obligacon is such That whereas ye Church-
-Wardens above named Hugh Mills< no role > Francis Morlye< no role > Edward Grisdell< no role >
and Wm. Lawrence< no role > Overseeres of the poore of ye Pise of St.
Clement Danes wth thassent of two Justices of the peace according
to a Statute in that Case made & provided have put Margarett
Toms an Apprentice to Eliz Musen and have given with the said
Apprentice ye sume of five & fifty shilling If therefore the
above bounden Elizabeth Muson< no role > and Henage Burton< no role > or eyther
of them or eyther of theire Executors. or Admrs Doe well and
sufficiently provide for keepe and maintaine the sd Margaret
Jones in by & with all & all Manner of needefull and necessary
Washing Lodging Linnen Apparrell & all other necessarys meete
and convenient for such an Apprentice during ye terme of
nine yeares And alsoe well & sufficiently save defend and keepe
harmelesse O indempnified ye Churchwardens & Overseeres of
the Poore & theire Successors. and all the Pisoners & Inhabitants
of St Clement Danes which now are & hereafter shall be and
every of them of and from the Charge of keepeing and
maintaineing ye said Apprentice dureing the said terme & of
and from all Accons Suiles & taxacons whatsoever which ye
said Parish or Parishoners of St Clement Danes or any
of them shall or may incurre susteine or be putt unto for or in
respect of the said Apprentice in any manner of wise
Then this Obligacon to be voyd and of none effect or else to
be & remaine in full force power & virtue

Sealed and delivered
in the Prsence of
Robert Smith< no role >
Robert Smith< no role > Vestry Clerk

Elizabeth Musson< no role >

Henage Binton< no role >
his [mark] marke

March ye 1th 1688 R [..]
then of Mr. Haravye Burton the sum
of fifty five Shillings with disbursemt
[..] of the above Bond

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