St Clement Danes Parish:
Parish Apprenticeship Indentures and Registers

15th June 1688 - 2nd October 1694

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDPA364000045

Image 45 of 14825th April 1689

Noverint universi P Prsentes nos Humphry Patty< no role > de Pochia scti [..] Sepulcres in
in London Lanariuset Johem Patty< no role > de Pochia Ste Egeij in Camp is
Cordwainer et Edwarde Patty< no role > de Pochia scle Leonard Shoreditch in
Com prdict Joyner
teneri et firmit obligari Lancelott Copleston< no role > et Gulielm Barnby< no role > Ecclie. Guardianis
Pochia scti Clement Dacer prdict in Vigint libris, bone of leglis moneta Anglia
solvend eisdem Lancelott Copleston< no role > of Willielm Barnby< no role > ant eor alter Executoribus
vel successoribus suis Ad quam quidem soluconem bene et fidelit faciend obligamus
nos et quemlibell urum P se P toto et in solido heredes Executores et Admres.
uros firmit P prsent sigillis uris sigillat dat vicessimo quinto die Aprilij
Anno Regni Williehni et Maria Regis et Regine Anglie Scotie Francie
et Hibnie primo Annoqr Dui 1689 .

The Condicon of this Obligacon is such That Whereas the Churchwardens above named Hugh
Mills Francis Morlye Wm Lawrence< no role > and John Seywell< no role > Overseeres of the poore of the pise
of St Clement Danes with thassent of John Phellipps< no role > and Peter Lugg< no role > Esqrs : Justices of ye
peace for the County of Middx and Citty and Libty of Westmr according to a Statute in yt Case
made and provided have putt Mary Pattye Apprentice to Humphry Patty< no role > and have
given with the said Apprentice the sume of tenne Shillings If therefore the
above bounden Humphry Patty< no role > John Patty< no role > and Edward Patty< no role > or any or eyther
of them, or eyther of theire heires Executors: or Admrs. Doe well and sufficiently
provide for keepe and maintaine the said Mary Patty< no role > in by and with all and all
manner of needefull and necessary meate, drinke, washing Lodgeing Apparrell
Linnen and all other necessarys meete and and convenient for such an Apprentice
dureing the said terme of six yeares And allsoe well and sufficiently save defend
keepe harmelesse and indempnified the said Churchwardens and Overseeres of
the poore of the said parish and theire successors: for the time being and all
ye inhabitants of the said parish which now are and hereafter shall be of
and from the Charge of keeping and maintaineing the said
Apprentice dureing the terme aforesaid and of and from all Accon & Accons
Smiths and Taxacons whatsoever which the parishoners of St Clement Danes or
any of them shall or may susteine incurre or be putt unto for or in
respect of the said Apprentice in any manner of wise then this obligacon
to be voyd and of none effect or else to be and remaine in full force
power and virtue

Sealed and delivered
in the prsence of
Robert Smith< no role >
Robert Smith< no role > Vestry Clerk

Humphry Paty< no role >

John Paty< no role >

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