Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

17th February 1773

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17730217-5

272. (L.) CHARLES GOFF proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a leather saddle, value 12 s. the property of Robert Trueman proceedingsvictim , Feb. 1 . ++

John Hollis < no role > . I am a stable keeper; Mr. Trueman keeps a horse at my stables; last Monday fortnight I missed the saddle; I saw it before I went to bed, about ten o'clock; it hung up in the stable beside the horse; I know the prisoner; he works about the yard, and drives coaches sometimes.

Thomas Bert < no role > . I keep a public house at Mile-end. Last Monday or Tuesday fortnight the prisoner brought me a saddle: Mr. Hollis has it.

Q. to Hollis. The saddle you received of the witness Bert is that the saddle you lost?

Hollis. Yes.

Bert. The prisoner used my house a month or six weeks before; he said he had found a saddle in Epping-forest, and asked me to buy it; I said yes, if he brought it and came honestly by it; I saw no more of him for a month after. On Monday fortnight I met him; he asked me how I did, and said I never brought the saddle to you, I will bring it in a few days; he came on Tuesday morning and brought it, and I bought it in the public tap-room Mr. Hollis came and owned it, and I gave it him; the prisoner said that was the saddle he spoke of a month or six weeks before.

Prisoner's Defence.

I found the saddle at the end of the road in the public street on Tuesday morning.

Guilty 10 d. W .

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