Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

17th February 1773

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17730217-6

273. (L.) DAVID JOHNSON proceedingsdefend (a black) was indicted for stealing twenty-three handkerchiefs, value 30 s. the property of John Colvil proceedingsvictim and William Blackburn proceedingsvictim , Feb. 9 . ++

Robert Holmes < no role > . I live with Mess. Colvil and Blackburn in Milk-street. On the 9th of February last we sold twenty-three dozen of linen handkerchiefs; they were laid on the counter ready to send to the person that bought them; when we went to pack them up there were four dozen and eleven missing; the Wednesday following the prisoner was brought to our house; I was not in the way; I know nothing more.

Hannah Hutchins < no role > . The prisoner lodged at the house where I lodge, on Salt Peter Bank < no role > ; this day three weeks he met me as I was coming from the market; he said he had a parcel of handkerchiefs that he had received as part of payment of a debt, and asked if I could sell or pawn them for him; I did not choose to go myself, but gave them to May to pawn.

Sarah May < no role > . The prisoner gave the handkerchiefs to the woman, and she begged me to go and pledge them; I went to pledge them at Mr. Foreshall's and they were stopt.

Christopher Tafe < no role > . I am a constable; Mr. Foreshall's young man came for me; I went there, and the black and the woman were detained in Foreshall's shop; the black acknowledged he stole them, and brought me to the house of Mess. Colvill and Blackbourn; he said he saw Mr. Blackbourn in the back room; that he went in and took the handkerchiefs off the counter; there were seven handkerchiefs stopt at Mr. Foreshall's. I went to the house of the prisoner and found twelve more in the bed (producing them.)

May. The seven are the handkerchiefs I brought. (The handkerchiefs deposed to by Holmes.)

Prisoner's Defence.

I never stole any thing in my life; they were put into a cart; I saw them fall out and took them up; the officer frightened me, and said if I would shew him the house they would let me go.

Guilty . T .

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