Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

17th February 1773

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17730217-7

274. (M.) ANN GRIFFITH , otherwise ANN HALL proceedingsdefend , spinster , was indicted for breaking and entering the dwelling of Thomas Best proceedingsvictim , on the 13th of February , about the hour of seven in the night, and stealing eighteen yards of silk gauze, value 30 s. the property of the said Thomas, in his dwelling house . *

Charles Throbeck < no role > . I live with Mr. Best, who keeps a shop in Holborn . About seven o'clock on Saturday evening we had a pane of glass broke in our shop window.

Q. What is Mr. Best?

Throbeck. A haberdasher . We lost nothing at that time; I placed a large piece of black gauze against the pane, to prevent the wind coming in; the piece of black gauze stood up against the pane, and near it stood this piece of white silk gauze, containing eighteen yards. About twenty minutes after, I heard the pane break again; the first crack was about three or four inches; as soon as I heard the glass break I went to the window and missed this piece of gauze containing 18 yards; (producing it.) As soon as I missed the gauze I heard the cry of stop thief; and in about a minute Price brought the prisoner into the shop; her arm was cut and the gauze was bloody, and some places cut with dragging it through the pane of glass.

Q. from the Jury. Is this the gauze you put before the pane of glass?

Throbeck. No; that was a piece of black gauze that lay down by it.

Q. Do you know that to be your master's property?

Throbeck. Yes.

John Price < no role > . I saw the prisoner take this piece of gauze out of the window on Saturday night; I laid hold of her; I am sure it is the same piece; I saw the blood too.

Q. Did you observe the window before?

Price. No; as I was going by I heard the window break; I looked round and saw the gauze come through the window.

Prisoner's Defence.

As I was coming down Holborn a boy threw it in my face, and Price laid hold of me.

Q. to Price. Do you remember her arm being cut?

Price. Yes.

Guilty. Death . Recommended by the Jury .

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