Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th July 1776

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17760710-71

593. ELIZABETH JEENES proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing fourteen silver coat buttons, value ten shillings, sixteen silver waistcoat buttons, value six shillings, a black sattin cloak, value ten shillings, a silver punch ladle, value nine shillings, a silver watch, value twenty-one shillings, a brass metal watch key, value one penny, a silver stay hook, value one shilling, a muslin cap, value three pence, a pair of silver tea tongs, value three shillings, and a muslin handkerchief, value one shilling , the property of Joshua Thorp proceedingsvictim , June 20th .


I am the wife of Joshua Thorp < no role > : the prisoner was my servant ; the things mentioned in the indictment were taken out of the drawers in my room; I saw them on Tuesday and missed them on Thursday; the prisoner was then gone from me: I found some of the things at a pawnbroker's, and some at a cellar she went to when she went from me; she came to live with me but the Saturday before.

MARY BRODDY < no role > sworn.

I am a pawnbroker: the prisoner pledged a cloak and handkerchief with me on the 18th of June.

[They were produced in court, and deposed to by Mrs. Thorp.]

CHARLES DORMAN < no role > sworn.

I took the prisoner: I found a cap in a bundle up two pair of stairs, and some things in the cellar at the house where I took the prisoner; and the watch I found between her legs.

[They were produced in court, and deposed to by Mrs. Thorp.]

The prisoner said nothing in her defence.

GUILTY of stealing to the value of ten pence . W .

Tried by the First Middlesex Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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