Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th July 1776

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17760710-72

594, 595. JAMES PRICE proceedingsdefend and WILLIAM DAY proceedingsdefend were indicted for stealing a printed book intitled, The Modern Gazetteer, or A short View of the several Nations of the World, &c. value two shillings and six pence , the property of James Lockington proceedingsvictim , July 1st .

JAMES LOCKINGTON < no role > sworn.

I am a bookseller : I lost The Modern Gazetteer out of my window on the first of July, it was produced before the justice; I have had it ever since; it is my book (producing it).

WILLIAM OXLADE < no role > sworn.

I took the prisoners before the justice on another charge, and Price confessed selling this book to Burn.

THOMAS BURN < no role > sworn.

I bought this book of the prisoners; Oxlade came and challenged it; then Price said he stole it in Chiswell-street .

'The prisoners in their defence said they

'found the book in Old-street.'

BOTH GUILTY of stealing to the value of ten pence . W .

Tried by the First Middlesex Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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