Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030501

Image 501 of 74825th February 1709

This Comee. being mett in pursuance of an Ordr. of the Court told
at the Hospital of Bridewell the 21th. day of January instant
whereby it was Referred to this Comittee to Consider of the
nature of the Offices of Porter and Matron of the sd. Hospital
of Bethlem and the Trustrelateing there to and of any Regulacon
they should thinke proper to be made concerneing the Same
And this Comittee takeing into consideracon the matters
thereby to them Referred.

Itt is the Opinion of this Comittee that the poors Box be opened
once a Month at the least on a Comittee day or oftner if the
Treasurer for the time being Shall be present at the Comittee

Itt is the Opinion of this Comittee That it is necessary to have
a person continued in the Office of Matron of this Hospital

Itt is the Opinion of this Comttee. that a larger Inscripcon be
putt over the poors Box to desire all p Sons to see the money
they give putt into the poors Box

And that Springs be made to the poors boxes or some other
care be taken to prevent the money being pickt out

And the prsent Matron being Super ammated & incapable
of p formeing the said Office Itt is the Opinion of this Comittee
that she be continued in the said Office untill the Eleccon of
a Porter and noe longer. This Court haveing duely weighed
and Considered the said Report doth confirme the Same
And further Order That large Insrixcons be like wife putt
over the outward and inward doores of the said Hospital of
Bethlem desireing all persons to see the money they give
putt into the poors Box

Bethlem Hospital
Comee to Meet oute a Week
besides Saturdayes to View
the prorrsions.

Also this Court doth desire that the gentlemen of the
monthly Comittee for the Hospital of Bethlem will be
pleased to meet there once besides Saturday every week
at Such time as they Shall thinke most convenient to inspect
the provisions of that Hospital

Clerke to lay before ye
Court ye Standing Ordr.
relateing to ye Servts. of ye

Also at this Court Itt is Ordered That the Clerke
doelay before the next Court the Standing Orders relateing
to the Servtt. of these Hospitals.

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