Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030511

Image 511 of 7488th April 1709

Noe Govr to be Nominated
for 6. Months and noe Pson
[..] to dominate Govr but
wt house been Stewards

This Ordd not to extend to
Pressors., Trear, a Auditr gent.
for 22d. Decr. 1709 fo. 525}

Also upon reading a Report from the Comee. of this house
the 6th. Aprill instant in these words Vizt. Itt is the opinion
of this Comee. That the numbr. of Governors. of these Hospitals
is too great and that noe more may be nominated for six
months And that for the future noe Pson who his not been
Steward of the Election Feast should nominate any one to
be a Governor. This Court doth Confirme the same.

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