Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030526

Image 526 of 7487th July 1709

Causeway from the same downe to the low water marke for the
use of all the Tents, but in a few Years a Second fire burnt downe
most p to of the said estate againe to the utter runie of Sr . William
< no role > That the purchasers of the remaining p to of his Terme
have Still made a further improvent. of the said estate and the
Petr. haveing purchased a Small P to had at Seval times expended
above £30, in the repaires of the said Staires and Causeway which
he never yet his been remiburst neither by the said Hospital nor
their Tents. who enjoy an equall benifitt thereby but now the said
Staires are quite ruined and the Causey much decayed and
cannot be repaired for lesse than £50. and the losse of the said
Staires and Causey will be a generall losse to all the sd. Tents.
and a great detriment to the Estate of this Hospital And praying
that this Court would make such Order as they shall thinke fitt
for Reimburseing the Petr. his said Charged and preventing for
great a damage as may accrew to their Estate Itt is Ordered
That the Consideracon of the said Peticon be Referred to the
Comittee of this House

Dean Robt< no role > . Petr. for
[..] of St. Robt. Felonies
house Referred to Comee

Also upon reading the humble Peticon of Robt. Deane< no role >
Pewterer Settingforth That Sr . Robt. Filiners< no role > Lease of a house
nere Chareing Crosse held of the Hospital of Bethlem Expires
at Lady Day next which he is informed Sr. Robt. will not
Renew That the Petr. has been Sr. Roberts undr Tent. there for 12 yeares
and praying that this Court would grant him a Lease Itt is
Ordered That the Consideracon of the said Peticon be
Referred to the Comittee of this House

[..] of Court Confirmed

Also the Several Orders of the last Court being read were
Confirmed by this Court

EllEleccon day to
to the 1st. Thursday in

Also att this Court it is Ordered That the Eleccon day for
these Hospitals be the first Thursday in Augt. next

Eleccon of a Trear,
[..] of Depty Gardiner
[..] ted

Also the Right Worshippfull Sr. William Withers< no role > Knight
Alderman of this Citty and President of these Hospitals Acquainted
this Court that the Worshippful Thomas Gardiner< no role > Esqr . Treasurer
of these Hospitalls had passed his accounts before the
Auditors of the Accounts of these Hospitalls and had paid over
the ballance for the use of these Hospitalls to the Satisfaccon of
the said Auditors who had thereupon dishcharged Mr. Treasurer
and Mr Treasurer being prsent and desireing leave to Resig [..] his Office
as farr as in them lay Itt is Ordered that the Elleccon of a

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