St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th January 1775 - 17th January 1776

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103150071

Image 71 of 11220th November 1775

Middlesex ss}

The Voluntary Examination of Elizabeth
< no role > of the parish of Saint Botolph without Aldgate
in the said County of Middlesex Single woman taken
on oath before me one of his Majesties Justices of the
Peace in & for the Said County this Twentieth day
of November 1775 - Who Saith that She is now
with Child And that the said Child is likely to be born
a Bastard & to be Chargeable to the Said Parish of St.
Botolph without Aldgate and that one Lawrence Shaw< no role > [..]
now or late of Nicksons Square near Jewin Street
London Shoemaker is the Father of the Said Child
Where with She now goeth with & is Pregnant That
She this Examinant is the Daughter of one William
< no role > deced by Hannah Holmes< no role > his widow who is now
living That She this Examinant hath been informed by
her said Mother & believes the same to be true that her
Said Late Father was born in Darby Street in the Parish
of St Botolph without Aldgate aforesaid & this Examinant
Cannot give any Account Whether her Said Father ever
did any Act to gain a Settlement for himself & in his on
right nor Where his Parents or either of them was or
Were Settled at the times of their respective Deaths She
this Examinant never having reced any information
or Account relative thereto And that She this Examint
never was bound Apprentice That about two Years ago She was
hired as a Yearly hired Servant by John Wood< no role > of the Parish of Trinity
Minories in the sd County Victualler That before the expiration of the Y
this Examinant upon a Quarrel happening between her & her sd.
Master she reced a Months Warng from him to Quit his Service at the
End of Such Month Wch She Accordingly did at which time there want
three days to Comple at her living with him for the Space of a Year
Accordingly her Wages was paid up to the End of Such Months Warning
& no farthr That She this Examt. has not Since lived elsewhere as a hired
Servant for a year nor done any Act to gain a Settlemt for herself

Sworn this 20th day of
November 1775 before
Wm Blackmore< no role >

The Mark of
Elizabeth [mark] Holmes< no role >

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