City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

31st December 1793 - 24th December 1794

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650070063

Image 63 of 65924th January 1794

Isaac Newsom< no role > a Currier lodging at No. 19 Primrose Street
Bishopsgate Street London maketh Oath that he hath known
the deced between eight and Nine Months that a little after
Seven on Tuesday Evening last and Dept. going into the Bull
Publick Home he saw the deced sitting on a Bench in the
Tap Room of that Home the deced with a Glass of Gin before him
that soon after Dept. see the deced drink the Gin-that soon
after a Man whom Dept. believes to be Donnovan sayed
to the deced I will tread you with as much at you will
drink the deced [..] sayed he would
drink as much as he Donnovan chuse to pay for Donnovan
called for half a Pint which was placed before the deced
who drank is Glass by Glass at the same time eating something
Dept. some after saw and anther half Pint taken to the deced who
drank that also-that a little before eight the decad got up
from off the Bench that he appeared to stagger [..] which
Dept. seeing went to him and persuaded him to go home
Dept. took hold of the decad [..] and lead him Home to
his Home is Angel Alley that as soon as he Home he sit
himself down in his Chair shook Hands with Dept. bidding
Dept. good Night and then Dept left him-Dept. has often
soon the deced much more intoxicated than he was as the
time Dept left him.

Sworn this 24th. day of January
1794 before me}

J Newson

Sarah Winter< no role > No.10 Slades Building Angel Alley Widow
maketh Oath that between Seven and eight on Tuesday Evening
last the deced (whom Dept. has an cohabited with about ten [..] years was
leds home by a person to said House that he appeared to be
much intoxicated but Dept don't think he was much more so than
[..] he coming Home almost every Night in the same state
That he sat himself down in a Chairs and then wished the Man who
led him Home good Night who went away-that the decad continued
in the Chair about half an Hour when Dept. Observing the deced
work very much in his Throat and from at the Month which
every usual signs of the deced having Fits with which he had
seen very subject induced Dept. to take the deced out of the
Chairs and place him on the Floor upon Dept looking at him

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