Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150316

Image 316 of 45830th March 1770

Middlesex To wit

The Information of Benjamin Nelson< no role >
taken before me this 15th. day of Augt. 1770

Who being upon Oath says that he knows William Goosetree Tony
Welsh, Robert Minion otherwise Hell Fire Bob Richard Turner< no role >
Francis Payne< no role > [..] and a [..] Man who goes by the Name of Drummer Tom
another who goes by the Name of Bruin the Bear, Thomas Diamond< no role >
a Lamp lighter, says that the said William Goosetree and this
Informant and Richard Turner< no role > drove Mr. Warren's Hogs out of
his Yard to the Pound at Westminster and received sixteen Shillings
and eight pots of Beer for the same says the said William Goosetree< no role >
informed him that he and the said Francis Payne< no role > drove two Horses
out of Mr. Warren's Grounds to the Pound at Westminster & received
for the same the Sum of four Shillings and two Ports of Beer, says
the said Tony Welsh< no role > , Robert Minion, Richard Turner< no role > Francis Payne< no role >
Drummer Tom, Bruin the Bear & Thomas Diamond< no role > as this
Informant has been told & verily believes have all been concerned
in driving Peoples Cattle Horses & Hogs out of their Grounds
to the Pound at Westminster in order to get Money for the same

Sworn before me
Septr. 15. 1770}
W. Helyng

< no role >

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