Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150326

Image 326 of 45830th March 1770


The Voluntary Information of Patrick Lawter< no role > taken in
Writing before me one of his Majestys Justices of the peace in
and for the said County the 30th. day of August 1770

This Informant upon Oath saith that about four Month ago he and one
James Cole< no role > about Eleven o Clock at Night went to the Dwelling House
of John Delany< no role > his Master in Pelham Street in the [..] parish of
[..] Christ Church and then broke a pane of Glass in the Casement of
the Window and opened the same Saith that he this Informant went
in at the said Casement into the said Dwelling House of the said John
< no role > his said Master and took one Cloth Coat one pair of Stocking
Breeches one Table Cloth one Gownandone Mans Hatandone Shirt and
one Silver Tea Spoon andboughtthese [..] opened a back Door and
came out, and Delivered the said Cloth Coat Stocking Breeches, Table
Cloth, Gown Mans hat and Shirt to the said James Cole< no role > and then
went away together to the House of one Mary Cole< no role > in Typon Street
and asked the said Mary Cole< no role > to [..] Pawn all he abovementioned things
saith that Mary Cole< no role > asked this Informant if the things were his to
which he replied his saith that [..] immediately he and the said
James Cole< no role > went from thence and brought away with them all the
above mentioned things to the House is Lodgings of Mrs: Tattoo in
Hare Street and tarried Here all Night, and next Morning the
said Mrs: Tattoo this Informant and the said James Cole< no role > pawned the
above things at Different Pawn brokers Shop the Cloth Coat & Stockings
Breeches some where near White Chapel the Gown in White Chapel
andthe Shut in Holywell Lane and the Silver Tea Spoon they sold to Mrs:
Tattoo for two Shillings, This Informant saith that about
afortnight or three Weeks after he this Informant and John Simpson< no role >
a bought nine oClock at night went to the House of one Thomas Dearsley
in Cock Lane and broke apane of Gloss in the Glass Window and [..]
thesethen this Informant put his Hand within side and took out two [..]
pieces of Cotton or Linen one Woman that three or four Handkerchiefs one
Shirt and [..] same Lawn and then this Informant and the said John Simpson< no role >
went away to the House of one Mary Cole< no role > in Tyson Street and left all
the said last mentioned things there and then went to a Lodging House
in George Street and lay Here all Night, and next morning this Informt.
and the saidJohnsSimpson went again to the House of the said Mary Cole< no role >
who together with this Informant and the said John Simpson< no role > went and
Pawned one of the said pieces of Cotton or Linen at a pawn brokers in Bell Lane
and the other piece of Cotton or Linen at a pawn brokers in or near Hollifear Street
and the said Handkerchiefs this Informant and he said John Simpson< no role > named at Different Pawn brokers but does not remember where

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