Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450240101

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The Information of Elizabeth Law< no role >
of the Parish of St. Mary Whitechapel
Linnen Draper and her Daughter Jane
< no role > of the same place taken on Oath
before me one of His Majestys Justices
of the Peace in and for the said County

And first and Charles Earle< no role > of the said Parish Beadle she said Elizabeth Law< no role > for herself says that this
afternoon about the Hour of four a Woman who [..] says her
name is Elizabeth Jackson< no role > in Company with a Woman who [..]
[..] says her Name is Ann Onion< no role > and a Girl who says her
name is Ann Shaw< no role > came into her shop in Whitechapel High Street
and asked for to look at some points for to make a Bed Gown
for Ann Shaw< no role > . That there was on the Counter in the said Shop one
piece of Printed Cotton about five yard in Length Value Seven
Shillings that this Informant shewed them several Pieces of
Printed Linnen and Cotton which the said Jackson, Onion< no role > and Shaw
did not like-That this Informant suspecting that Elizabeth Jackson< no role >
had Stolen some of her Property, Searched her and found concealed under her
Petticoats The said piece of Printed Cotton now produced and the said
Jane Law< no role > for herself says she was present when her mother Elizabeth
took the said piece of printed Cotton from under the Petticoats of the
said Elizabeth Jackson< no role > at first denyed her taking the said Piece of
Cotton from off the Counter that she took it from off the Flour but
soon afterward the said Elizabeth Jackson< no role > said if she did take it
as this Informant believes she meant from off the Counter she hoped
her Mother would forgive her, and the said Charles Earle< no role >
for himself says that he searched the said Elizabeth
< no role > The said Ann Onion< no role > and the said Ann Shaw< no role >
and that they had only Two pence farthing between them

Sworn before me
March 27th. 1781}
John Staples< no role >

Eliz: Law< no role >
Jane Law< no role >

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