Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450240091

Image 91 of 517

Saith That about 10th-of April Instant the bought
of the Prisoner a Linnen Gown and a Pettycoat for Nine

And this Informant Sarah Dowling for herself
Saith that about the 1st. Instant She Bought of the
Prisoner Mary Nash< no role > a Silk Gown a Pair Stays and
some other things and Gave for the same Fourteen Shilling and
Eight pence

And this Informant Mary Carty< no role > Saith That
about the 17th-Instant She Bought of the said
Mary Nash< no role > a Lace Handkerchief and 5 Muslin Do:
for Four Shillings

And this Informant Mary Winter< no role > Saith
That about the 17th. Instant She Bought of the said
Mary Nash< no role > Three Shifts for Two Shillings and Six

And this Informant Elizabeth Garthside
Saith That She Bought of the said Mary Nash< no role >
a Pettycoat and same White shirty for Two Shillings

And this Informant Catherine Jones< no role > further
Saith That the Things now produced are her property
ane were Stolen as aforesaid from her Lodging room.

Taken and Sworn the
24th. day of April 1781 before me}
Chas. Triquet< no role >

Catherine [mark] Jones< no role > mark
Edwd Jarnway< no role >
James [mark] Smith< no role > mark
Mary Tarret< no role >
Sarah [mark] Dowlings< no role > mark
Mary Carty< no role >
Mary [mark] Winter< no role > mark
Elizth. [mark] Garthorder mark

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