City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480091

Image 91 of 1477th December 1737

To the Right Honble Sir John Barnard< no role > Knight Lord Mayor of the
City of London and the rest of the Honble Bench at Justices Hall
in the Old Bailey in the Suburbs of the said City of London

The Humble Prayer of John Webster< no role > .


That your Supplicant was on the 14th. of October last
Committed a Prisoner to Newgate being Charged with
Wilfull & Corrupt perjury but no bell being preferr'd
your Supplicant was by this Honble Court Order'd to
Remain in Custody.

Yor Supplicant Therefore Humbly
Prays That he may be tried bailed or Discharged this
Sessions as Shall Seem Most meet to this Honble Court

And yor. Supplicant as in Duty bound
Shall Ever pray Etc

Entred 7th. December 1737
being the first day of ye Sessions

John Webster< no role >

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