City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480143

Image 143 of 14719th April 1737

To the Right Honourable Sir John Thompson< no role > Knight
Lord Mayor of the City of London and to the Rest of
the Bench of Justices at their Sessions held at the Old

The Humble Petition of John Thomas< no role > now a Prisoner
in Newgate under Sentence of Transportation


That your Petitioner was at this present Sessions held
at the Old Bailey convicted of Stealing a great Coat the
Property of Robert Rymons< no role > of the Value of Ten pence and now
lyes under sentence of Transportation for the Same

That your Petitioner hath always behaved himself well
and lived in good Creditt, and Reputation till this unfortunate
affair happened.

That your Petitioner most humbly acknowledges the
Justice of his sentence of this Honourable Court was never before guilty
of any offence and having a true sence and just abhorrence of
his Crime

Your Petitioner most humbly Implores
that his Sentence of Transportation may be
changed into such corperal Punishment as to
your Lordship and Worships shall seem Meet

We the underwritten do humbly
Certify to your Lordship, that the
Petitionr: John Thomas< no role > has always
behaved himself honestly and do
beleive the Contents of his Petition
to be true and that He is an
Objects worthy of your Lordshipps
Pity and Compassion

John Harbin< no role >
Wm: Graves< no role >
Jno: Goodale< no role >
Jno Pickard< no role >
Jno Nemes< no role >
Wm Perry< no role >
Stephen Masterman< no role >

Tho. Lee< no role >
Henry Morton< no role >
Willm Ford< no role >

And your Petitioner as in duty bound
shall ever Pray

John Thomas< no role > .

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