City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th January 1742 - 5th December 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150540065

Image 65 of 10324th March 1742


To the Right Honble: Robert Willimott< no role > Esqr .
Lord Mayor of the City of London & the Rest of the Right Worshipfl.
the Aldermen his Bretheren in their General Quarter Session of
the Peace in & for the sd. City of London Assembled

The Humble Petition & Appeal of the Church
Wardens & Overseers of the poor of the Parish of St. Botolph
without Aldgate London on behalf of themselves & the rest of
the Parishioners of the sd Parish

Humbly Sheweth

That John Bumford< no role > Aged five years & upwards the son & Child of
John Bumford< no role > now of the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate in London begotten on the body
of Mary Magdalen Bumford< no role > his wife was (by a certain Order or Pass Warrant under the
hands & Seals of Thomas Moore< no role > & Nicholas Jeffreys< no role > Esqrs . Justices of the peace in & for the
County of Middx . one being of the Quorum bearing Date ye. 24th Day of March 1742 remov'd
from the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx to ye. sd Parish of St.
Botolph without Aldgate in London as the place of his last Legal Settlement which
sd. order or pass warrt. afterwards to wit at the General Quarter Session of the Peace
held for the County of Middlesex by Adjournment at Hicks hall in St. John Street in ye.
sd County on Thursday ye 14th. Day of April 1743 was by ye. sd Court Ratifyed & confirmed
That the sd John Bumford< no role > the Son was at the time of such Removal & hath ever since Continued and now is a poor & Impotent Person & not able to work
to relieve & maintain himself any hath been for all the time aforesaid & still is maintained at the Expence of your PetitionersThat the sd John Bumford< no role > the Father is a
Parishioner of ye. sd Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate & of sufficient ability to
relieve & maintain such his d Child but hath Refused & still doth refuse so to do

Your Petitioners therefore humbly Appeal to
this Honble. Court & Pray that the sd John Bumford may
be ordered to pay so much to your Petrs. an they have
necessariely expended in ye. maintainance of ye. sd John
Bumford the Son & also them Costs of this Appplication &
that such further order may be made by this Honble. Court
upon the sd John Bumford< no role > for the futer maintainance of the sd Child
as to this Honble. Court shall seem meet pursuant to the
Statute in that Case made & provided & that your Petrs. may
have such other Relief in the Premes as this Court shall think
justAnd Your Petrs. shall ever pray Etc.

Willm. Salt< no role > Sollr . for ye Applts.

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