City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th December 1787 - 6th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS151000108

Image 108 of 5731st April 1788

Prosecutor when the said Mr. Ingham said he had not upon
which this Deponent Served the said Mr. Ingham with a Copy
of the Notice of Tryal hereto Annexed for the last February
Sessions And this Deponent Saith that from the Description
this Deponent then received from the said Mr. Ingham of the
Prosecutors person he has the greatest reason to believe that
the person who told this Deponent that he was only the
Prosecutors Brother was the Prosecutor himself And this
Deponent further Saith that the Defendants duly Attended
According to such Notice of Tryal at the last February Session
in order to have taken their Tryals thereon in Case the same
had been called on but no person Attended on the part of that
Prosecution to the knowledge or Belief of this Deponent And
this Deponent Saith that it becoming Necessary to give a New
Notice of Tryal for this present Session this Deponent did
again apply to the said Mr. Margett to know where the Prosecutor
was to be found to Serve him with the same when the said she
could not tell as he only called sometimes as an Acquaintance
upon which this Deponent left a Note in Writing with her for
the Prosecutor to call on this Deponent upon the Business to which
this Deponent has not received any Answer and on the Twentieth
day of March last this Deponent did again apply to the said
Mr. Ingham to know if he had seen any thing of the Prosecutor
or knew where he was to be found when the said Mr. Ingham
informed this Deponent he had not and could not tell whereupon
this Deponent did on Thursday the Twenty seventh day of March
last Serve the said Mr. Ingham with a Notice in Writing in the
above Prosecution that the Defendants would appear at this
present Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden at the Guildhall in
and for the City of London on Tuesday the first day of April
Instant at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon and then and
there Try their Traverse upon the Indictment preferred and
found against them by Delivering the same to a Maid Servant
of the said Mr. Ingham at his House in Craven Street City
New Road which Notice was directed to the said Evan
< no role > the Prosector and also to the said Mr. John
< no role > his Sollicitor

Both Sworn [..] in Open Court
at Guildhall London this first
day of April 1788 }

By the Court.

Thos Beswick< no role >
Jno. Bexwell< no role >

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