City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th December 1787 - 6th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS151000088

Image 88 of 5732nd May 1787


The King against Timothy Murphy< no role > and Mary
< no role > for Forgery

William Young< no role > Knight of Great Marlborough Street
in the parish of Saint James within the Liberty of Westminster in
the County of Middlesex Agent to the Solicitor of the Admiralty
maketh Oath and sayth That on or about the Second Day
of this Instant May the Prisoners were committed by Sir
Sampson Wright< no role > Knight in order to take their Trial on a
Charge of feloniously uttering and publishing as true a certain
false forged and counterfeited Will and Testament purporting to
be the last Will and Testament of James Ready< no role > late a Seaman
belonging to His Majesty's Ship the Eagle deceased And this
Deponent further sayth that Letters of Administration with
the said Will annexed appear to have been granted to the Prisoner
Timothy Murphy< no role > as the Attorney of Thomas Ready< no role > otherwise Readdy< no role > Executor
named in the said Will on or about the Second Day of May
one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven And this
Deponent further say'th that it being necessary according to
the Rules and Practice of this Honorable Court as this
Deponent understands and believes that the said Letters of
Administration should be called in and revoked by the proper
Ecclesiastical Court before the said Timothy Murphy< no role > and
Mary Murphy< no role > can be indicted and tried for the said Offence
the Solicitor of the Admiralty did on or about the third Day
of this Instant May send Instructions to George Gostling< no role >
Esquire the Admiralty Proctor to take the most speedy
Steps for calling in the said Letters of Administration and
having the same revoked and declared null and said by the
said Ecclesiastical Court And this Deponent further
say'th he hath been informed and verily believes that a

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