Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1698

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500570043

Image 43 of 88

Middx ss

Joseph Bennett< no role > in Fox Alley St. James Sheer
ye depen in ye primes Slabbs made oath yt. this
Night past this house was broken open and [..]
between two & three or ye Clock this morning
was raised out of his Bedd and found his house was
robbed and in ye Alley before his house two
Flasketts of Cloathes and some [..] in an ironing
Cloath one pewter dish & one pewter Tankard
was found whcih had been stolen out of his house.
and makeing Inquest after the Theives one Thomas
< no role > being taken there was found in his
Custody a pewter [..] brandy Bottle which
ye sd Joseph Bennett< no role > saies upon his oath is his &
stolen att ye same yard his house was broke upon

the mark of
Joseph [mark] Bennett< no role >

John Bennett< no role > & Richard Parker< no role > taken a Fox Alley
above sd Chairemen made oath ye between two
& three of ye Clock this morning comeing home
with their Chaire into the sd Alley where ye
abovesd Joseph Bennett< no role > likewise [..] lleth, most
Women rushing by them and one of them
Struck att ye sd John Bennett< no role > , whereupon ye
sd John Bennett< no role > psudd after them, & one of
them made his Grape butt ye other by Name
Thomas Palmer< no role > was apprhended in his right by Thomas
< no role > a watchman by the sd John Bennetts
calling out Theives.

the mark of
John Bennett< no role >

Richd [mark] Parker< no role >

Thomas Ladd< no role > of Bennett street watchman made
oath ye. between two & three or ye Clock this
morning hearing to cry out Theives, & seeing two
men run up St James street made att them butt
missing his blow & one of them which hath made
his Escape knockt ye sd Thomas Ladd< no role > downe
butt the other by Name Thomas Palmer< no role > he

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