Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501650056

Image 56 of 14514th October 1717

To the Worshipfull his Majties: Justices
of the Peace how Sitting at Hickes: hall in
St: John Street

the Petitonrs desire ye worships
These are may Carry att

The humble petition of Sarah
< no role > Widow


That your Poor petr: upon her Severall
Complaints for nere Seaven yeares past In
Relation to her Weekly. Pention from ye. Parish
of Stepney (Spittle fields hamlett) : It being
then and thereby. Refrred: ye Worsrll Mr Justice
Perry made an Order and Report thereto Wch:
being not obeyed accordingly your Poor petr
againe Applyed herselfe to yor Worsps: and
obteyned a Second Order of this Bench for ye
payment of five Shillings Pr Month: Wch: the
Parish is in Arreares of Day: Thirty Shillings and
Nine pence Refuseing to pay her untill She
Obteynes further Orders Compelling yor. Petr
to give yor Worsps this unnecessary Trouble
and to come from Canterbury for Releife:

Humbly begs therefore that it may please
yor Worsps: for to Grant an Order for the
Present Churchwardens and Overseers
to attend & Shew just Cause why yor
petr is not paid her Arreares and her
Pention to be Confirmed for ye Future

For wch: She shall pray Etc
Sarah Blaine< no role >

This is to satisfie your wovships that they refuse to
pay me the old or evevs unless untill samples [..] to take
I pence a weke which of nessesy to will starve me to death
being bad sited and a week woman and unable to work I
am greaved that I must trouble your worships agine but
am forsed us it or I must of nesisety starve

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