Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501650076

Image 76 of 14527th May 1717

To the Rt Worshipfull his Maties, Justices of the Peace for the County of
Midlx Assembled in Quarter Sessions

The Humble Peticon and Appeale of William Gray< no role >


That by order dated the 27th. day of May last under the hands and Seales of
LSaintlo and Michaell Crake< no role > Esqrs . his Maties. Justices of the Peace for
the County of Midlx and City and Liberty of Westmr. (Quorum Unus) Your Petion
is adjudged the reputed father of a Female Bastard Child borne in the parish
of St. James Westmr. in the Said County on the body of Barbara Churchill< no role > as
Singlewoman and that the Said Childe is become chargeable to the Said parish

That thereby your Peticoner is ordered to pay to the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the poore of the Said parish of St. James or to Some or one
of them the Sume of Eleven Shillings and Six pence by the Weeke for the first
four Weeks from the birth of the Said Childe and after the expiracon thereof
two Shillings and Six pence p Weeke for and during Soe long time as the Said
Childe Shall remaine chargeable to the Said parish, And that Your Peticoner
Should give Sufficient Security unto the Said Churchwardens and Overseers of
the poore of the parish aforesaid for the performance of the Said order other-
wise to finde Sufficient Surety for his appearance at this present Sessions to
answer his contempt and abide Such further order as Your Worships Shall
thinck Fit to make therein

That the Said Churchwarden and Overseers of the poore have alsoe
delivered a Bill for the further Sume of £5:11s:4d: by them pretended to be
expended on Account of the Said Barbara Churchill< no role > and her Childe, by which
Your Peticoner finding himselfe aggrieved and by the Order of the Said two
Justices humbly Appeals against the Same to this Worshipfull Court

Your Peticoner therefore humbly pray Your Worships would pleased [..]
appoint a day this present Sessions for the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poore of the Said parish and all other persons concerned to attend
Your Worships and to hence and abide the Judgment and determinacon
of this Court Upon and touching the Said Appeale and that Your Peticonr
may be relived herein as to Your Worships Shall seem meet

And Your Peticoner Shall ever pray Etc

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