Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501650066

Image 66 of 14514th October 1717

To the Rt. Worpll: his Majties. Justices of the Peace at their
Generall Quarter Sessions held at Hicks's Hall in St John
Street in and for the County of Middx

The humble Peticon of the Constable Church Wardens &
Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St Mary Whitechapell
in the said County on behalfe of themselves and Severall
hundred Inhabitants of the upper part of the said Parish.

That abt. two yeares since the Inhabitants of the Lowerpart of
said Parish observing that most of the Conliguous places were better Lighted
with Lights Sett upp by one Robert Bates< no role > of Spittlefields Tinn plate Worker
then they were by the Proprietors of ye Convix Lights. Applyed themselves to ye
said Bates to Supply them with Lights as he did the Neighbouring places
which accordingly he did & Continues to do And the same were Approved off
by the Justices of peace pursuant to the Act of Parliamt. in that case made & provided

That yor. Peticonrs perceiveing a benefitt accrewing not only
themselves but also to the Publick ye what the Inhabitants of the said
Lower Towne had done did at a Publick Vestry man [..] Agree
with the said Bates to Light the upper part of ye said Parish as well as the
Lower part thereof. Pursuant thereto the said Bates hath Sett upp & placed
Lamp Lights at proporconable distances for Lighting the Streets thereof
Far Exceeding the said Convix lights for truth of Light and more in number
then ever were of them placed within the same Distance And in regard that
the said Lights are in every aspect Satisfaction to the Inhabitants & Contribute

Yor. Petr. humbly pray that the said Lights
So Sett upp by the said Robert Bates< no role > may [..]
Approved off as by Act of Parliamt. is
directed and wch. hath been ofed & accustomed
in Such & the Ake wfes

& And yor. Petr. Shall pray Etc

John Smee< no role >

Morgan Davis< no role >
James Honey< no role >
Benj Taylor< no role > }

Geo Gerrard< no role > Constable
Tho Astillo< no role >
Francis Preston< no role > }
Church Wardens

Edward Mansfield< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.

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