Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870040

Image 40 of 9425th December 1719

Middx ss:

Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Dui Regis tent
P Com Middx apnd Hickshall in St. John street in Com
prd. P adjorn die Martis Scilt decimo nono die Januar
anno regin Dui Georgij mmc Regis Magne Britannie
Etc sexto coram Robto Thornhill< no role > Martine Ryder< no role >
Josepho offley< no role > Johe Milner< no role > Aris & al socijs Sins Justic
dci Dui Regis ad pacem in Com prd. conservand necnon
ad divers felow tusgrw & al malefacta in dodem Com
P Petrat audiend & terminand assign Etc

Upon reading the humble peticon of John Quinny< no role > Execr.
of the last will & testamt. of Giles Quinny< no role > (late Governor
of the house of Correccon at Clerkenwell ) his late
Brother deced exhibited unto this Court setting forth that
there was one yeares salary due to his said Brother
at Xmas last amounting to the sume of sixty pounds,
And that his said Brother hath disbursed severall
Sumes of money in setting downe a pump & severall
Materialls in & about the sd. prison which he hath
not been reimbursed to the Value of twenty pounds &
upwards, And that the Petr. as an Assistant to his sd.
late Brother hath severall quantitys of hemp & other
goods which are yet unwrought, and by reason of
his household goods being there fixed, It was prayed
by the Petr. that this Court will be pleased to Order the
paymt of the aforesaid salary and to appoint a
Comittee to view what his said Brother hath
disbursed as aforesaid and that he may have a
reasonable time allowed him for his removeall being
as yet unprovided for with a house and that he may
have an allowance for the sd. pump & goods, It is ordered
by this Court that it be and It is hereby recomended &
referred unto John Fuller< no role > John Metcalfe< no role > John Ellis< no role > of
Denmarke street Thomas Burdus< no role > D'oyly Michel< no role > Robert
< no role > John shorey Richard Browne< no role > William Dewe< no role > John
< no role > Isaac Tillard< no role > & Alexander Ward< no role > Esqrs . Justices of

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