Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501910076

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Middx ss:

Ad Genal quartial [..] regis tent P Com Middx apnd Hickshall
in St. Johnstreet in Com prd P adjorn die Lune scilt decimo sexto die Januar anno regin Dni
Georgy nunc Regis Magne Britannie Etc septimo coram Robto Thornhill< no role > Martino Ryder< no role > Johe
< no role > Doyly Michel< no role > Aris & al socys this Justic dei Dni Regis ad pacem in Com prd. conservand
necnon ad divers folow tus gr & al in allfacta in eodem Com p Petrat andiend & terminand assign Etc

Upon hearing the Appeale of the Church wardens & Overseers of the poore of the parish of St. Bridgett als St. Brides Londn.
against an order under the hands and Seales of Richd. Bealing< no role > & Stephen Brice< no role > Esqrs. two of his Majties. Justices
of the peace for this County of Middx (quor Unus) bearing date the 17th. day of Decr. last Whereby Mary Eliza
< no role > aged abt. 50 yeares wife of Thomas Dumay < no role > was removed from the parish of St Paul Covent Garden
in the sd. County of Middx to the sd. parish of St Bridgett als St Brides as the parish and place of the last legall
settlement of the sd. Tho Dumay< no role > & the sd Mary Eliza Dumay his wife and upon hearing at. were insisted on
by Councell for the Intitants of the sd parish of St: Paul Covent Garden and also by Councill for the
Inhabitants of the sd pish of St Bridgett als St Brides Itt appeareth to this Court that the sd Thomas
Dumay on the 15th day of March 1713 before the Rt. honoble Thomas Ld Trevor then Lord Cheise
Justice of the Court of Comon pleas die [..] Surrender himselfe a prisoner to the prison of the Fleet (the greatest
part of this prison is in the Said parish of St Bridgett als St Brides of London) in discharge of [..]
in an [..] against him at the Suit of upon [..] and that these Thomas Dumay hath our Since his [..] considerd
and slice as [..] actually a prisonerthat in Changingthe sd Fleet prison on the Rules thereof And that about one yeare Sincethe sd Thomas
Dumay During his sd Imprisonmentinhabited and prnted one in twodid take & rent a Tenemt. or house of one Tho. Styles< no role > at
the rent of 20s P ann Scitute in Bellsavage Yard within the Rates of the sd prison & within the sd parish of
SSt. Bridgett als t Brides and hath in habited & been in possession of the sd. tenemt. or house for the [..] space of one
yeare & and halfe last past [..] and that he said the Church & poor's rates assessed ontherein And question
him as occupyer thereof in the same parish And the question ariseing whether the sd Tho. Dumay by takeing [..] holding & inhibiting as aforesd these Tenemt. or house & by paying the sd. rates in
the sd parish [..] of St. Bridgett als St Brides as afd. during his sd. Imprisonment gained him any legall
Settlement in the Same parish or not This Court is of Opinion that the sd Tho Dumay did not thereby games
any legall settlement in the sd. parish of St Bridgett als St Brides Wherefore and for that it doth not appeard
to this Court that the sd Tho. Dumay late by any other means obtained a lawfull Settlemt. in the
same parish or that the sd Mary Lara Dumay< no role > his wife hath any place of legall settlemt in the
the place of her sd. husbands lawfull Settlemt. This Court doth allow of the sd. Appeale and doth
vacate & discharge the afd. order of the said two Justices of the peace

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