Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501910081

Image 81 of 120

The Court at Hickshall being informed that there was an Order
at the last Quarter Sessions of the peace [..] for takeing yor accots. as late
for maimed Soldiers & Mariners within the Hand [..]
Elthorne Spelthorne & Istleworth in Middx & [..]
Trears by a Comittee Dominated of Justices [..]
that purpose, and that yor accots are not yet taken
required by the Court this present Quarter Sessions
write this to you & acquaint you that the Court [..]
you will be present at Hicks hall on Monday next at [..]
of the clock in the forenoon, and lay yor accots before [..]
at you were TrearCourt of the moneys by you re [..]
for maimed Soldiers & Mariners & how disposed of [..]
of what money (if any) is yet standing out & Uncollected
on the Rate in [..] for raiseing moneys for maimed soldiers
MarinersI amwithin the sd. Hundreds, I am

Hicks hall
Janry 12th. 1720


yor. Most humble [..]
S: Harcourt [..]
the marke [..]

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