Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501910061

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To the Church:wardens & Overseers of the poore of the parish of Enfield
the County of Middx, & every of them, And to the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the poor of the parish of South-Myms in the County
aforesd & to every of them.

Middx ss
T: Sewell

Whereas it appeareth unto us, whose hands & seales are hereunto sett
Two of his Matys Justices of the Peace for the sd County (Quorn unus) upon
the Complaint of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the aforesd
parish of Enfield That one Martha Hobkins< no role > widdow predict of
Samuel Hobkins< no role > Shoemaker deceased, is lately come into the said
Parish of Enfield on endeavouring to gaine a Settlemt there contrary to
Law, And whereas it appeares unto us that by reason of the poverty
of the Said Martha Hobkins (the having nothing where with to
maintaine herselfe) She will become a charge to the sd parish of
Enfield if not Speedely prvented, All which we the sd Justices do find &
adjudge to be true And whereas it further appeared unto us upon the
Examcon of the sd Martha Hobkins upon her Oath That her sd husband
Samuel Hobkins was Legally settled in the sd parish of South-Mym 's
And upon a carefull & dilligent Examcon we cannot find any legall
Settlement that the said Samuel Hobkins in his life time or the said
Martha Hobkins since his death hath gained elsewhere We do therefore
the sd parish of South-Mym's in the County aforsd. to be the place of the
legall Settlement of the sd Martha Hobkins in right of her sd husband
Samuel Hobkins & that she ought to be Sent that her.

These are therefore in his Matys Justices, strictly to charge & require you the
Church:wardens & Overseers of the poore of the said parish of Enfield to pass & Convey
the body of the said Martha Hobkins< no role > from & out of the parish of Enfield into the said
Parish of South:Mym 's in the County aforesd, & her deliver together within: pla [..]
prcept, unto the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poore therefore or to some or one of
them, who are hereby required to receive & provide for her according to Law, Given
under our hands & Seales the 13th day of October, Anno dni 1720.

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