Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1722

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502030049

Image 49 of 8216th May 1720

Middx Ss:

Ad General Session pacis Dui Regis tent p Com Middx apnd
Hickshall in St. John Street in Com prd. p adjorn die Mercur Scilt
decimo Sexto die May anno regni Dui Georgy nunc Regis Magne
Britannie Etc octavo coram Johe Milner< no role > Martino Ryder< no role >
Mattheo Holworthy< no role > Daniel Dolins< no role > Carolo Greenwood< no role > Georgis
< no role > Aris & al Socys Suis Justic dci Dui Regis ad pacem
in Com prd. conservand necnon ad divers felon tusgr & al
malefacta in eodem Com p petrat audiend & terminand
assign Etc

For the effectuall putting in execucon the Laws made against
Papists, reputed Papists & Non Jurors, and for preventing &
suppressing all Riots, Tumults & Unlawfull Assemblies, in
obedience to his Maties. Royall Proclamacon of the ninth day
of May instant & to a Letter of the same date from the Lords of his Maties. most
honble. Privy Council tothe most Noble Thomas Holles< no role > his Grace the Duke
of Newcastle Custos Rotlorum of this County This Court is of
opinion And doth recomend it to theMaties.Justices of the peace
for thisof the said County to observe & pursue the Rules & Direccons
herein after specifyed (vizt.)

That the Justices doe meet, assoon as possible, in their Severall

And that they give direccons to Constables Headboroughs & Beeles to take an
accompt of all Papists, Non Jurors & other disaffected persons or
Suspected to be such aswell Lodgers as Housekeepers, and to
return a list of their Christian names & Surnames in writing
upon Oath at such time & place as the Justices in their
respective Divisions shall appoint,

On such returns the Justices to consider what persons soe
retorned are fit to be Sumoned, and to make their warrts.
to Sumon such persons accordingly, incerting their names
in such Sumons or in Lists to be annexed there unto.

When they appeare on Sumons the Justices to tender them the
Oaths, and to proceed to conviccon against such as refuse to take the
same, or make default in not appeareing after due Sumons, And to
return the Conviccons to the next Quarter Sessions,

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