Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220154

Image 154 of 216

Middx ss:

Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Din Regis tent
P Com Middx apud Hicks hall in St. John street in
Com prd. P adjorn die Jovis Scilt decimo quinto die
Octobris anno regin Din Georgy: nunc Regis Magne
Britannie Etc undecimo coram Johe Milner< no role > Aro
Daniel Dolins< no role > Mil Reginald Marriott< no role > Henco Lowth< no role >
Aris & al Socys Suis Justic dci Din Regis ad pacem
in Com prd. conservand necnon ad divers felow tusgrn
& al malefacta in dodem Com P petrat audient &
terminant assign Etc

Upon reading the humble peticon of John Geary< no role > Keeper
of New Prison at Clerkenwell in this County exhibited
unto this Court Setting forth that the petr. upon John
< no role > s breaking out of the Said Goal repaired &
Strengthened that part of it but there being Severall
other parts weak & out of repaire he humbly Prays
this Court will be pleased to appoint a Comittee to
take a view and give direccons for the repaire of
the same, whereupon It is Ordered by this Court that
it be And It is hereby recomended & referred unto
Robert Thornhill< no role > Esqr . Sr. Isaac Tillard< no role > Knt . John Fuller< no role >
William Cotesworth< no role > Senr . D'oyly Michel< no role > Richd. Gifford< no role >
John Troughton< no role > William Kingfford< no role > Alexander Ward< no role >
Joseph Kayne< no role > & Thomas Robe< no role > Esqrs . Justices of the peace
for this County or any three or more of them to take
a View of New Prison aforesaid and See if any &
what part or parts of the Same are weak or out of
repaire, and if any & whatpartsrepaires are wanting
& necessary to be done thereto, and if any & what
part or parts of the Said Prison ought to be strenghened
or fortifyed for the Safe custody of the Prisoners
comitted to the Said Prison, and to take to their assis [..]
Such able Workman or Workmen as they shall [..]

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