Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220153

Image 153 of 21612th October 1724

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parish for reliefe of all their poor And that there hath
been noe rate ever made for repaire of the Highwayes
within the Said parish, the Statute worke and the penaltys levyed
on Defaulters throughout the whole parish being Sufficient
to Answer all that Service, But ever Since the makeing of
the Said [..] Act of Parliament and for Severall
yeares before there havebebeen district & Seperate Scavengers
Rates made by the Inhabitants & parish Officers& Inhabitants of the
residing within the Said three Libtyes and those Rates Seperately accorn [..]
for to the Inhabitants of the respective Libertyes above
menconed onley In the makeing of which Said Rates
& takeing the Accompts of them the Inhabitants of
the Said Severall Libertyes never interfered with
each other but that when the rate in question was made there was no Churchwarden residing within the sd Hollywell Street Liberty And It being insisted on that the Said
Scavengers Rates Soe made as aforesaid are illegall
for that there ought to have been one intire
Scavengers Rate made by the whole parish this
Court upon consideracon had of the prmes Is of
Opinion that the Said Scavengers Rates are illega
And doth thereupon allow of the Said Appeale And
doth Order that the prsent Scavengers Rates upon
the Said respective Libtyes being Seperate Rates be
quashed & vacated and the Same are hereby qu [..]
& vacated accordingly.

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