Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220189

Image 189 of 2167th July 1724

under what they pay and throughout the whole Rate
It appeares (as the petrs. apprehend) that great partially
hath been used in rateing the Inhitants of the New
parish much higher in proporcon than those of the
old parish, Saveing in Some few instances made in.
favour of Such of the new parish as opposed the same,
one of whom (vizt.) Mr. Oswald Hoskins< no role > hath taken
Upon him to act as one of the overseers of the poor and
to Joyn in makeing of the said Rate altho he is (as the
Petrs. are advised) disabled soe to doe as being an
Inhabitant to this Purpose of a different parish, And
that the Petrs. have desired a Sight & pervseall of the
said Rate to enable them to lay before this Court
the Particular instances of in equality therein, but the
overseers have refused the same, Wherefore & in
regard the sd. Rate is very unequall the petrs. prayed
that the sd. Rate may be quashed or Vacated, and that
this Court would be pleased to appoint a Short day for
heareing the Sd. Matter, And that in the mean time the
said Rate might be produced before some of his
Maties. Justices of peace in the said parish to the end
the Petrs. might peruse & take coppys of or extracts
of the same, Where upon It was Ordered by this Court
that the Churchwardens & overseers of the poor before
menconed Should attend this Court with the Poors
Rates aforesaid on this ninth say of July instant to
heare & abide the Judgmt. & determinacon of this
Court touching the said appeale, and notice of the
said appeal was by the Sd. Order directed to be
given to the Justices of the peace inhabiting within
th said parish, Now upon heareing of what was
in Sisted on by Councell for the Petrs. & also by Councell for
the Churchwardens & overseers of the poor of the sd old
parish of St. James Clerkenwell touching the Premisses
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby
recomended & referred unto his Maties. Justices of the
peace for this County inhabiting within Holborne
Division in the sd. Countybeing [..] lyeing neare the
said parish or any three of them (Quorum Unns) to
assemble & meet together at such times & places as they

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