Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1732

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502820052

Image 52 of 1121st February 1732

To the Rt Worpll: his Maties: Justices of the peace for the
County of Middx in their Generall Quarter Sessions

The humble Peticon & Appeal of the Church-
-Wardens & Overseers of the poor of the Parish
of St. Andrew Undershaft in the City of London


That by Warrt. or Order under the Hands &
Seals of R: Tothill & W: hayton Esqrs two
of his Maties: Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middx (Quor unus) bearing date the
first Day of February last Mary Wildgoose< no role >
was removed & conveyed from the Parish of St.
Sepulchres in the County of Middx to the parish
of St. Andrew Undershaft in the City of London
alledging therein that the sd Parish of St Andrew
Undershaft is the place of the last legall settlemt.
of the sd Mary Wildgoose< no role > .

Thos. Elmes< no role > Agent for
the Appellants.

Yor Petrs finding themselves
aggreived by the the order of
the sd two Justices humbly
Appeal against the same & pray
that your Worps: would be [..]
pleased to appoint some Day
this prsent Sessions for all
parties concern'd to attend to
hear & abide the Judgmt. &
Determinacon of this Court touching
the sd Appeal

And your Petrs shall pray Etc.

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