Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1732

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502860060

Image 60 of 17024th July 1732

To the Rt Worpll: his Maties: Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx in their General
Quarter Sessions Assembled

The Humble Peticon & Appeal of Paul Ryley< no role >
of Hampton Within the Pish of Hampton
in the County aforesd Maltster


That your Petrs. was on the 24th Day of [..]
July Last [..] Convicted by James Clitherow< no role > &
John Taver< no role > [..] Esqr two of his Maties Justices
of the peace for the County of Middx for Mixing
147 Buthells of Corn Makeing into Malt [..]
[..] or some course parable Quantity with Corn of a former wetting or steeping [mark]
[..] the Aatr in that inthe same of
£36: 5s:0d or some considerably [..] of money contrary to the that but by the
Indgmt of the sd two Justices is mi [..] gated
to the same of £14:0s:0s

Your Petrs thinking himself aggreived
by the Indgmt. of the sd two Justices
Humbly Appeals agt. the same to this
Hon able Court
And Forasmith as your Petr cannot
be ready to Prosecute his sd Appeal
this Prsent [..] Sessions humbly prays
that your Worps. would be pleased to
adjourn the hearing of the sd Appeal
untill the next General Quarter
Sessions of the peace & that your
Worps. won'd appoint some Day there
for all Parties to attend concerned to hear &
abide the Indgmt. & Determinacon
of this Court touching the sd Appeal

And your Petr. as in Duty bound shall Pray Etc
Paul Ryley< no role >

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