Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503890029

Image 29 of 16830th September 1748

To Thomas Lane< no role > Esqr . Chairman and the rest of
the Bench of Justices at Hicks Hall Assembled

The Humble Petition of Thomas Harrison< no role > now a prisoner in new prison

Most Humbly Sheweth

That yor. Petitioner has been Consined
in new Prison Six Weeks in which time he has Laboured
under great Necessitys And that this present Session he
was Indicted twice for Assaults. and was tryed upon them
and found Guilty and upon the first Indictment was fined
one Shilling and upon the second to be imprisoned Six Weeks
That yor. Petitioner has a Wife and three Small Children
who are uncapable to get their own Bread but are
Oblidged to rely upon what yor. Petitioner Earns And have
Since yor. Petitioners Confinenent been drove to great
Want. And it yor. Petir. is oblidged to remain in goal
the Six Weeks both yor. Petitioner and theywillmust perish
for want.

Therefore yor. Petr. most humbly
Prays yor. Worships will out of
yor. wonted Goodness Mitigate yor.
Petitioners Confinement or otherwise
as in yor. great wisdem Shall seem [..]

And yor Petr. as in duty Bound will ever Pray

Thoms Harison

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