Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503890034

Image 34 of 16810th October 1748

To the Worshipfull his Majestys Justices of the Peace for
the County of Middlesex at their General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace in and for the said County Assembled

The Humble Petition of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the
Parish of Sr. John the Evangelist Westmr. within the said County of Middlesex

That George Keither< no role > on Inhabitant legally Settled in the said
Parish of St. John the Evangelist Westmr. about Three months since
went away and left his Family consisting of a Wife and Three
Young Children (Unable to Provide for themselves) a Charge to the sd. Parish

That your Petitioners are Informed the said George Keither< no role >
is now Abroad and beyond the Sea [..]

That George Keither< no role > the Father of the said George Keither< no role > now
Dwells in the said Parish of St. John the Evangalist Westmr .
in the said County of Middlesex who is of sufficient Ability
to Provide for his said Grand Children

he rents of £5. a year
& [..] es not pay the
Poors Rate & then
how can be maintain
these Children

That Your Petitioners have frequently applied to the said
George Keither< no role > to Releive and maintain his said Grand
Children Who has Refused and neglected to Releive and maintain
them whereby Your Petitioners conceive themselves Aggreived

They therefore humbly Pray this Worshipfull Court to
Assess the said George Keither towards the Releif and
maintenance of his said Grand Children

And Your petitioners shall ever pray Etc

Wm Pacey< no role > .}

Ch Bourdoff< no role > }
Overseers of
the poor

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