Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503900107

Image 107 of 145

The King
Janes the wife of John Adams< no role > }
for Felony

Joseph Taylor< no role > of the parish of Saint Matthew Bethnall Green
in the County of Middlesex Mariner Maketh Oath and Saith that
he Lodged at the House of One John Adams< no role > in Wheeler Street in the
parish aforesaid and had Seventy and Six pounds and Seventeen
Shillings in Gold and Silver Locked up in a Trunk in his Lodging
room this Depts. property and that on Sunday the twentyeth day
of November Last this Depts. Counted his Said Money and Went
out in the Evening to Drink a Mug of Beer and happened to Serve
the Key of the Said Trunk in the Window And when he Came home
For and that the money was Stolen out of the Said Trunk and that the
Said John Adams< no role > had Absconded upon which this Dept. Caused Jane
the Wife of the Said John Adams< no role > to be Taken up and Carried before a
Justice of the peace who Committed her to New prison and she the
owned the Robery and her Husbands Taking of the money, And this
Depts. further Saith that he hath Since Several Times heard of the Said John
< no role > and of his being Lurking a about Spittlefields and Wapping and in
particular on Fryday Last this Depts. Was Informed that the Said John Adams< no role >
Was Seen in Wapping on [..] Thursday Last, And this Dept. further Saith that
he apprehends that he Shall be able to get the Said John Adams< no role > Taken before
the Next Sessions and this Dept. Lastly Says that he apprehends that If the
Said Jane Adams< no role > Should be discharged out of Custody that her Said Husband
and She Will both go abroad together With the money

Jos., Taylor< no role >

Sworn in Court at Justicehall in the
Old Baily in the Suburbs of the City
of London the 12th day of Decemr

By the Court

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