Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503900117

Image 117 of 145

1 Geo 1 stat 2
C 26. S 4 }

The art of 8 Gun Corturned for 3 yeares


Penalty of 40s in art 8 Ann Repeated
after 1 Sept 1715 Bakers makeing Bread definent in
Weight shall for every ounce forfeit 5 & wanting less 2s-5d
such Bread being Complained of & weighted before a Magistrate
or Justice of peace or before any pson by him or them
appointed within 24 hours after the same shall be taken or
exposed to Sale within the Colyes of London & Westmr & Bills
of Mortality & within 3 dayes in all other Cities Towns or

Forfeiture to the Informer & to be recovered as by 8 Gun


Peck Loaves half peck Quartern & half Quartern
to be made according to the Assize Tabb in 8 Ann


After 1 Sept 1715 The prices of Grain Meal & Flour
to be certifyed on Oath before the Lord Mayor or Cheif
Magistrate or Justices

The assize of Bread for the City of London & Weekly
Bills of Mortality (the City of Westmr . & Libties there [..]
the Borough of Southwark & Weekly Bills of Mortality
the County of Surry extended) shall from time to time [..]
set by the Court of Ld Mayor & Aldermen of the City
of London or by the Lord Mayor of the sd City for the
time being by order of the sd Court any thing in the
sd former Art contained to the Contrary notwithstanding

5 Geo. 1 C25

Continued for 5 yeares

10 Geo: 1 C17

Continued for 7 yeares

3 Geo 2d C29
S1 }

Continued untill 25 March 1738


After 24 June 1730 any Baker Selling any peck half
peck or Quarter Loafs at higher price then sett by Ld Mayor
or Chief Magistrate or 2 Justices of Peace of any City Town
Corporate or Borough or place shall Forfeit 10s to be Boyed
recovered as State 8 Gun the 40s Penalty

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