Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503900118

Image 118 of 145

An Act to regulate the Price & Assize of Broad

& Anne 118

So much of the Statute 51 H 3 Stat 6 Intituted Assiza Pons
& Cervisie as relate to the assize of Bread Repeated

And after the 1st day of May 1710 the Court of Ld Mayor of Londn & Aldm
& Libties thereof on the Ld. Mayor for the time being by order of sd
Court. And the Mayor Bailiffs Aldn. or other Chief Magistrates for the
time being of any other City Town Corporate or Borough or two or more
Justices of the Peace in such Towns & Places where there shall be no such
Mayor Bayliffs Aldn shall sett & appoint the Wt of Bread

2 After May 1710 No pson to make for Sale or Sell any but White
Wheaten & Household & such other sorts as shall be Lycensed by sd Court of
Ld Mayor & Aldn Londn or by the other Chief Magistrates or Justices of the
peace in their respective Jurisdictions according to the Tallo following

3 every Baker after sd. 1 May shall Mark every Loaf the Sort Price & Weight of such
Loaf or any other Mark as shall be appointed by sd. Court of Ld. Mayor & Aldermen or by sd.
other Chief Magistrate or Justices of the Peace in their sevl. Jurisdictions, and they shall have
full Power to appoint in what manner each sort of Bread shall be Marked, & to make any
other reasonable [..] les for the better regulating making Bread, And if any Baker shall not
observe the Assize to be ascertained or shall bake any Bread wanting due weight or that shall
not be marked, or shall break any Regulations to be made, being Convicted by Confession or
Oath of one or more Witnesse or Witnesses before sd. Mayor or any one or more of sd. Aldermn.
or before sd. Chief Magistrate or in such Town where there are not such Magistrate before one
or more Justices Peace of County where Offence or Party offending apprehended shall forfeit
40s. to believed by way of distress the sd. forfeitures to be given to Informer

4. Convictions shall be Certified to the Quarter Sessions

5. No person to be Convicted unless Prosecution within three days.

6. If any person aggrieved may appeal to next Quarter Session, where the same
shall be finally determined and if her son appealing shall not make good such appeal
Sessions shall award Costs as reasonable & committ Offender to [..] Goal untill payment of Costs
& also of Penalty adjudged on Conviction; In Case Appeal made good, the like Costs to be awarded
for the Appeleant agt. Informer

7. If any Baker put in his Bread any Mixture of any other Grain than appointed by
the Assize, shall for every Offence forfeit 20s. to be received as before mensd., And if any
Mayor Alderman or Justices of Peace shall omit performance of his Duty shall forfeit 20s
to be recovered by Action Etc

8 Lawfull for Ld. Mayor & Aldermen of London or one of them within sd. City & Libty
and also for sd. Chief Magistrate or Justices or any one within their Jurisdictions to enter

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