Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503900113

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tried for affect upon which the Petitioner Brown hath been
abready Acquitted there And the Petr. Edge Examinned in Court as a
Witness therein as appears by the Several Acts of Court now in the
Petitioners Custody ready to be produced and the affidavits of Comodore
Action and Captain Pattle thereto annexed.

That the Contents of the Said Reillys Petition is Entirely false
& such his proceedings carried on merely to Extort Money from
the Petitioner the said Reilly with the Assistance afford in
the Said Reillys Petition mentioned having already extorted Six
Guineas from One of the Ships Crew on pretence of Charging
him with a felony & for which the Said Beilly and Ford Stand
now Indicted.

That the petitioners are ready and attending to make
out their Innocence & Pray to be heard by Way of defence upon
the Matter of the said Petition

We have been attended by the said Petr. Reilly and by
the Said Browne and Edge and also by Captain Pattle Comander
of the said Privateer with several other of the Ships Company and
the Several affidavits of Comodore Acton, Captain Pattle, Thomas
Ubly, Grey Elliot< no role > , the said Edge and Browne and Richard Keyt< no role >
have been laid before us (all which are herewith transmitted) And
we humbly beg leave to Observe to Your Majesty; First that the
Examinations or Affidavits of the Said Barry and ford do not
Charge either the said Brown or Edge with being present or
Privy to the beating the deceased on Shore and what is Sworn
by them to have happened on or about the 5th. of August on Shore
is only upon their Information and belief and their affidavits Appear
to be contradicted in several Material Facts.

And we further beg leave to represent to Your
Majesty that the Case appears to us from the other affidts. to be
ThusThat the Deceased was a Private Marine and not first

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