Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1751

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504130035

Image 35 of 8710th September 1751

To the Worshipfull his Majestys Justices of the Peace for
the County of Middlesex in General Session Assembled

The Petition of Henry Taylor< no role >

Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioner on or about the 17th. day of January 1748 took one
Mary Ayers< no role > ages fourteen years bound by Indenture by the Church
Warden and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. George Hanover
Square to teach her the Act and Mistery of Howsewifry

That during the said Mary Ayres< no role > Servitude with your
Petitioner she frequently got drunk and committed great
disorders in your Petitioners house by cursing Swearing and
Misbehaving herself and also for leving your Petitioners
Service ever since the 3d. day of August last

Your Petitioner therefore humbly Prays your Worships to take his Case
into Consideration and appoint some short for the hearing and Determining
the said Apeal

And your Petitioner in Duty bound shall
ever Prayer Etc

Henry Taylor< no role > .


At the General session of the Peace of our Lord the King holden at
Hicks's Hall in Saint John Street in and for the County of Middx by
Adjournment on Tuesday the Tenth day of September in the 25th. your of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King of Great Britaine

It is ordered by this Court that the within named Mary Ayres< no role >
have Notice of this Petition and that she do attend this Court on Friday
next at 10 o'Clock in the forenoon to hear and abide the Judgemt. and
Determination of this Court touching the Matters containing in the
said Petition and let the Chwardens or Overseers of the poor of the parish
of St. George Hanover attend this Court at the same time

By the Court

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