Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1775

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506560079

Image 79 of 166


AT the General Quarter Session of the Peace
of our Lord this King, holden in and for the County
of Middlesex , at Hicks-Hall, in Saint John-Street ,
(by Adjournment.) on Thursday the Thirteenth
Day of August in the FifteenthYear of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, King of
Great Britain, Etc. Before Sir John Hawkins< no role > Knight
David Wilmot< no role > John Sherwood< no role > Burford Camper< no role > Thomas
< no role > George Colson Smith< no role > Robert Pell< no role > John Barnfather< no role >
Saunders Welch< no role > Jonathon Chadwick Durden< no role > Gerard Hewart< no role >
George Mercer< no role > John Machin< no role > John Walford< no role > Edmund Byrond< no role >
John Cox< no role > John Brettell< no role > Esquires Justices of our said Lord
the King assigned to keep the peace in the County aforesaid and
also to hear and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other
Misdemeanors committed in the said County.

Whereas at the General Session of the Peace of our Lord the King holden in and
for the County of Middlesex by adjournment on Saturday the Third day of June last
Hyman Moses< no role > standing [..] indicted for assaulting beating and wounding one Levy Moses< no role >
and having pleaded not guilty to the said Indictment upon lendering insufficient bail
for his appearance & was by the Court committed to the House of Correction at Clerkenwell
for want of sufficient sureties for his personal appearance at the then next General
Quarter session of the Peace to be held for the said County of Middlesex to try his traverse
to the said Indictment And it was further ordered that it should be and it was thereby
referred to some one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County sitting
at the relation office in Whitechaple to Take good and sufficient bail for his personal
appearance as aforesaid and that the said Hyman Moses should give to the prosecutor
in the above cause forty eight hours notice of the bail before the same should be
taken and Complaint being now made against George Wrights< no role > Esquire one of
his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex that notwithstand
ing the said Order of Court he the said George Wrighte< no role > Esquirehad issued his
warrant, sitting the Court, for the discharge of the said Hyman Moses upon a
suggestion that he had taken sufficient Bail for his personal appearance is
aforesaid and that the said George Wrighte< no role > Esquirehed in a great variety of
cases taken bail of persons Known to be Common and hired Bail and who
could not be found to answer their recognizances and had in other instances
misbehaved himself in his office of a Justice of the Peace Etc It is Ordered
That a representation be made to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain stating the
particulars abovementioned and praying that his Lordship will be pleased to
issue the usual writ of supersedcas directed to the said George Wrighte< no role > Esquire
to prevent his acting as a justice of the Peace for this County or otherwise remove him from the said Office; unless the said
George Wrighte< no role > Esquiredoshew sufficient causeon the County day of the next
General Session of the peace to be holden for this County shew sufficient cause to the Contrary.

By the Court

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