Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1784

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507870264

Image 264 of 295


To the Constables of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields
in the County of Middlesex , and also to all Constables
and other Officers, whom it may concern to receive and
convey; and to the Church-wardens, Chapel-wardens, or
Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Kettering
in the County of Northampton
or either of them, to receive and obey.

WHEREAS Thomas Carpenter< no role > hath lately
apprehended in the said Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields
as a Rogue and Vagabond viz three wandering and
and upon Examination of the said Thomas Carpenter< no role >
taken before Me upon Oath (which
Examination is hereunto annexed) it doth appear that the said
Parish of Kettering is the place of his last
legal Settlement

THESE are therefore to require you the Constables of the said
Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields , to convey the said Thomas
< no role >
to the Parish ofin the County of
that being the first Parish in the next Precinct
through which he ought to pass in the direct Way to the said
Parish of Kettering to which he is to be
sent: And to deliver him to the Constable or other Officer of
the said Parish oftogether with
this Pass, and the Duplicate of the Examination of the said
Thomas Carpenter< no role > taking his Receipt for the same: And
the said Thomas Carpenter< no role >
to be thence conveyed on in like Manner to the parish of
Kettering aforesaid there to be delivered to some Church
warden, Chapel-warden, or Overseer of the Poor of the same
Place, to be there provided for according to Law: And you the
said Church-wardens, Chapel-wardens, or Overseers of the Poor
are hereby required to receive the said Person and provide [..]
him as aforesaid. Given under my Hand and Seal the
Day of October in the Year of our Lord 1784

D Walker

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