Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1784

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507870284

Image 284 of 295

(to wit.)}

To the Church Warden and Overseers of the Poor of the
Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall , in the County of
Middlesex , and to the Church Wardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Saint
Mary Islington in the said
County and to each and every of them.

Wm Quarrill< no role >
John Staples< no role >

UPON the Complaint of the Church Warden and Overseers of the
Poor of the Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall , in the County of
Middlesex , unto us whose Names are hereunto set, and Seals
affixed, being two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for
the said County of Middlesex , and one of us of the Quorum, that
Elizabeth Lighton< no role > , Widow of David Lighton< no role >
deceased and seven of their Children (to wit) Ann < no role > aged twelve
years, Eleanor < no role > aged Eleven years Charlotte < no role > aged nine years
Susanna < no role > aged seven years David < no role > aged five years
George < no role > aged two years and William < no role > aged one year
did lately come to inhabit in the said Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall ,
not having gained a legal Settlement there, nor produced any Certi
ficate owning them to be settled elsewhere, and
that the said Elizabeth Lighton and the said Seven Children
Ann, Eleanor, Charlotte, Susanna, David, George,
and William,
are [..] become chargeable to the said
Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall , We the said Justices upon the
Proof made thereof, as well upon Oath, as otherwise, and likewise
upon due Consideration had of the Premises, do adjudge the same to
be true; and we do likewise adjudge, that the lawful Settlement of
them- the said Elizabeth Lighton, and the said seven
Children, Ann, Eleanor, Charlotte, Susanna, David
George, and William
is in the said parish of Saint Mary Islington
in the said County- of Middlesex We do therefore
require you the said Church Warden and Overseers of the Poor of
the said Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall , or some or one of you, to
convey the said Elizabeth Lighton< no role > , and the said seven
Children, Ann, Eleanor Charlotte, Susanna David
George and William
from and out of your said Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall , to the
said Parish of Saint Mary Islington and them
to deliver to the Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor there,
or to some or one of them, together with this our Order, or a true
Copy thereof. And we do also hereby require you the said Church
Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said parish of
Saint Mary Islington to receive and provide for them
according to Law. Given under our Hand and Seals the Nineteenth
Day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Eighty four.

Henry Wright< no role > Overseer

Printed by J. SKIRVEN, No. 65, Ratcliff-Highway , London.

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