Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508070067

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Febry Session 1786Saint Mary at Hill Appellants
Bet Clerkenwell Respondents

her Examin. taken & sworn
tho 19th. Janry 1786}
Touching the Settlement of Mary Robinson< no role > Wife of Thos. Robinson< no role >

Where She was born 2
whether her Husband was born
in ye pob St. M. Hill

States That her Settlement is in the Parish of Saint Mary at Hill Billinsgate in the City
of London by her Husbands Mother Lucy Lyon< no role > having lived as a Yearly hired Servant with one Mrs.
Sophia Fawell< no role > . in Appellants Parish for there Years at £3. Perannum, That she hath frequently
heard her Husband say and verily believes that his said mother [..]
[..] was never Married to his said Father Thos. Robinson< no role > but lived with him a number
of Years and had Issue by him, the sd. Thos. Robinson< no role > Paupers Husband That about a
Month ago Pauper was Marrd. to her sd. Husband at St. James Clerkenwell That she hath
been informed and believes that her said Husband never was before his marriage to Pauper
bound Apprentice or did any Act to gain a Settlement in any other Place That her sd. Husband
has absconded and left pauper about a week ago

There does not Appear to on the Face of this Examination any Settlement whatsoever and
therefore the Appeal must be allowed unless it shod. turn act that the pauper was Born at St. Mary
at Hill The Beadle Says that the Parish Officers of Saint Mary at Hill when he delivd. her
to them Knew her will and said that her Mother had brot. them many Bastards and that she
Shod. go to Prison

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