Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508120120

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S I R,
HAVING now sent the Acts and Schedules to the several Clerks
of the Peace, Etc. according to the Directions of the Acts, I
doubt not but all possible Dispatch has been and will be given by you,
and the other Gentlemen, in the Delivery of them, and in promoting
the Objects of the Acts.

When you receive the Returns, you will take the first Opportunity
of sending them, by some safe Conveyance, addressed to the Clerk of
the Parliament, Palace Yard , Westminster , who will acknowledge the
Receipt of them. I hope it is understood, and it appears to have been
the Intention of the Act, that the Town Clerks of the Boroughs and
Corporations within the County are to send their Returns to the Clerks
of the Peace for the County, that they may be transmitted with the

In large Cities, and peculiar Jurisdictions having a great Number of
Parishes within them, it may be found convenient for the Clerks of
the Peace for such City and peculiar Jurisdiction, to make Returns to
the Clerk of the Parliament; but that Matter should be previously con-
certed between them and the Clerks of the Peace for the Counties, to
prevent any Failure in making the Returns.

In the Case of Districts incorporated by Act of Parliament, it seems
requisite for the Overseers of each Parish, in Conformity to the Act, to
return an Account of the Money raised by Assessments within each of
the Three Years;and with respect to the other Answers required by
the Schedule, it may be proper for some of the Overseers (or the
Persons in whom the executive Power is vested by the Act) to state the
Number and Names of the Parishes so incorporated, and the Year in
which the Act of Incorporation passed, and that the Expences attend-
ing the Poor are included in the general Account of all those Parishes,
which amounted, in the whole, to £.per Ann. on the
Medium of the Three Years, and that the particular Expences inquired
after cannot be duly apportioned to each Parish.

[..] Io, of Commons
24th. July 1786.

I am Sir
your obedt. servt.
Geo: White< no role >

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