Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508470071

Image 71 of 255

The King (on the Prosecution of Richard
< no role > the younger)
Mary Evans< no role >

Richard Cornock< no role > the Younger

I do hereby give you Notice that I shall personally Appear at the
next General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at the Session house
on Clerkenwell Green in and for the County of Middlesex on Monday
the Sixth day of July next by nine of the Clock in the forenoon of the
same day and will then and there try my Traverse upon the
Indictment by you preferred against me for Assaulting you Dated
the 4th. day of June 1789

The Mark of
Mary Evans< no role >

To Richard Cornock< no role > the younger
the above named Prosecutior}

Fras: Edwards< no role >

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