Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1795

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509150121

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Unnecessary on the account aforesaid hath neglected to appear
Personally in this honourable Court according to the said
Recognizance or under the Release Executed by the said
Prosecutrix on the Satisfaction herein made as aforesaid
to Plead to the said Indictment but hath either absconded
or is as this Deponent hath been informed and believes
entered or Enlisted as a Soldier or otherwise Employ'd
on his Majestys Service so that this Deponent is make
to Produce him in this honourable Court nor doth this
Deponent know whether he will ever be able again to see
or Produce the said Defendant in this honourable Court
for the purpose of pleading Guilty or otherwise to the said
Indictment And this Deponent James Hull< no role > for himself
Saith that he was present and did see the Payment of the
said Sum of one Pound and one Shilling to the said Prosecutrix
by the Deponent Thomas Gallant< no role > as described in his Affidavit
And that the said Prosecutrix did accept and receive the
same with the assault of her said Husband in full
Satisfaction and Discharge of all Costs Damages
and Expences whatsoever Occasioned by or on Accounts
of the said Assault an which this Prosecution is
founded as aforesaid

Sworn in Open Court
the 30th. Day of October

James Hull< no role >
Thomas Gallant< no role >

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